Showing: 1 - 10 of 17 RESULTS

Company amendments

Our fee for any company amendments is only R250. These amendments include:

  • Change of director
  • name change
  • change of address/ contact details
  • change of year end

These changes are done electronically via the CIPC portal, and needs to be signed by the directors of the private company.

Annual returns

We can also assist with submitting annual returns for your private company or closed corporations. The cost is R100 per year plus the CIPC charges. Not submitting these returns can lead to penalties, and the deregistration of the company. It is therefore very important to always ensure that the annual returns of the private company is up to date.

company amendments

VAT registration

Does your company need a VAT number? We can help you apply for one. Companies that have a turnover of less than R1 million rand per year can voluntarily apply for a VAT number. Companies that have a turnover of more than R1 million per year, are obliged to register for VAT.

Documents needed

  • Company documents (COR14.3)
  • Bank statements for one month
  • Proof of address for all directors less than one month old
  • Proof of address for the company less than one month old
  • Invoices made out to the amount of R50 000.
  • ID copies of all directors

Click here to see what SARS accepts as proof of address.

The application is done electronically on eFiling. Secondly we visit a SARS branch to complete the application and receive a VAT number. This process takes about a week, depending on the availability of documentation and a SARS appointment. After the registration is completed, a VAT return has to be submitted every second month.

Contact us for more information.


Monthly accounting

We offer a monthly accounting package for small to medium companies, from only R850 per month.

Package includes

  • Capturing of transactions on Pastel
  • Submission of VAT return if company is registered for VAT
  • Income/expense report sent to director every month
  • 2 x Provisional tax forms per year
  • 3 page website, plus monthly hosting of 2GB
  • personalized email address, up to 3 email addresses

Terms and conditions

The package is subject to signing a 12 month contract. The hosting space for the website is 2GB, should you wish to increase it, an additional fee will be charged. If the contract is cancelled before 12 months have lapsed, the hosting fee for the website will be payable for a period of the remainder of the 12 months. The fee of R850 is subject to the amount of work and transactions that have to be processed monthly.


Financial statements

We can assist small to medium companies to compile their annual financial statements, from only R4 000. The price includes capturing the transactions, compiling the financial statements as well as submitting the tax return (IT14).

Please note that the price is depends on the amount of work, and the amount of transactions that have to be captured.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your tax needs.

annual financial statements

SARS final demand

sars final demand

SARS is in the process of sending out final demands for all taxpayers who owe money.

It is very important to know at all times what your tax status is, even when the company has been dormant. Even if a company has not been trading, a tax return has to be submitted for every year. SARS issues admin penalties for non submission of returns of R250 per month per return. This can add up to a considerable amount.

Taxpayers should also ensure that their PAYE and VAT are up to date.

If you have received a final demand from SARS, contact us to help you manage your debt. Or put measures in place to pay in installments.



Company registration

Always wanted to start your own business? We can assist.

Registration with CIPC

For only R650 we can register a company for you with CIPC. Once the company is registered, we provide you with the company documents also known as the COR14.3.

The company is then also registered for income tax with SARS. A document with the tax number will also be provided.

BEE affidavit

We will also include a free BEE affidavit to sweeten the deal. This document can be used if you want to apply for tenders etc.

Information to be provided

The following information should be supplied in order to do a company registration:

Director details for every director – ID copy, address, cellphone number, email address.

The following information is needed for the company – 3 or 4 possible names for company, email address, address for registered office.

The names provided will be tested by CIPC to determine which one can be used.

Send us an email on or Whatsapp us on 074 918 7130 for more information.

Click here for more information regarding CIPC.

private company registration

PAYE recons explained.

Monthly PAYE returns

The monthly PAYE return is called a EMP201. The following amounts are to completed on this return, namely PAYE, SDL and UIF. The amounts are the amounts that are deducted from employees’ salaries. The SARS PAYE tables can be seen here. A 10% penalty is raised by SARS for the late submission of this recon.


SDL, or skills development levy is payable when the company’s total payroll exceeds R500 000 per annum. The amount to be contributed is 1% of the employees salary. This amount is contributed by the employer and not deducted from the salary.


UIF is dedcuted at 1% from the employees salary. But the amount deducted should not exceed R148.72. The employer then has to contribute an equal amount of 1% of the employee’s salary not exceeding R148.72. This amount is then paid over to SARS, who in turn pays it over to the department of labour.

PAYE recon

The EMP501 is called the PAYE recon. This recon should be done twice a year. The first one is 6 months after the beginning of the financial year. The second one is done 12 moths into the financial year, thus it will include the salaries for the full financial year. The purpose of the recon is to ensure that the amount of PAYE, UIF and SDL that was deducted monthly from PAYE corresponds with the amounts paid over to SARS.

IRP5 / IT3

Employees who earn enough to have PAYE deducted receives an IRP5. Employees who only have UIF deducted receives an IT3. These certificates are generated when the second PAYE recon for the year is done, and should then be handed over to all employees when the EMP501 has been submitted. No certificates are generated when the first EMP501 is submitted.


The PAYE recon is done via Easyfile, software that was developed by SARS especially for this. The detail can be entered manually or via an electronic file created by payroll software. If payroll software is used by the company.

Need assistance?

Email us on or click to send us an email.