Company registration
The following information is needed for a company registration. Please contact us to get the requirements for director amendments.
- At least 3 possible names for the company
- Physical address of registered office
- Postal address of registered office
- Cellphone number
- Email address
- ID copy
- Physical address
- Postal address
- Cellphone number
- Email address
Company registration cost
Private company registration – R450
Company amendments – R280
BEE certificate – R150
Tax clearance – R250
Obtaining a tax clearance
Please note that SARS has changed the way newly registered companies are added to eFiling in 2021. Before a company profile can be added, a company representative has to be appointed at SARS. This means that the tax practitioner has to make an appointment at SARS, where the relevant documents regarding the director of the company has to be presented. The information that has to be verified, includes the company address and banking details. As soon as the director is appointed as the company representative, the tax profile will be authorized on eFiling. Only at this point can a tax clearance be obtained. Find more information about appointing a public officer.
BEE certificate
A BEE certificate can be issued as soon as a company is registered and CIPC issued a registration number.
Something else to note. The current cap for PAYE(employee’s tax) is R7 275 per month. As soon as you employ someone who earns more than that per month, the company has to be registered at SARS for PAYE. The employer then has to deduct PAYE monthly from these employees and pay it over to SARS.
If a company employs any person who works more than 24 hours per month, the company has to register at the department of labour for UIF. UIF then has to be deducted monthly and paid over to the department.
Annual returns
Please note that all companies must submit an annual return to CIPC. The return should be submitted in the anniversary month of the company. If this is not done, the company will be deregistered.
Please note.
A 50% deposit is payable before any work will commence. Turnaround time is between 1 to 3 days. With new company registrations, an additional R50 will be charged for any additional name reservations, should the names chosen not be approved by CIPC.