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Monthly accounting

We offer a monthly accounting package for small to medium companies, from only R850 per month.

Package includes

  • Capturing of transactions on Pastel
  • Submission of VAT return if company is registered for VAT
  • Income/expense report sent to director every month
  • 2 x Provisional tax forms per year
  • 3 page website, plus monthly hosting of 2GB
  • personalized email address, up to 3 email addresses

Terms and conditions

The package is subject to signing a 12 month contract. The hosting space for the website is 2GB, should you wish to increase it, an additional fee will be charged. If the contract is cancelled before 12 months have lapsed, the hosting fee for the website will be payable for a period of the remainder of the 12 months. The fee of R850 is subject to the amount of work and transactions that have to be processed monthly.